Another way to get the IP address of your machine with the arp command.

This command will lookup the network adapter that you are using and return the gateway IP address. jason@eyjafjallajkull:~$ arp -n | grep : | awk ‘{print $1}’$ arp -n | grep : | awk ‘{print $1}’ This looks for the : character that is in the MAC address like this. jason@Yog-Sothoth:~$ arp -n … Read more

How to add a new user in Linux and some other useful networking commands.

This is the sequence of events when you are creating a new user. Use the sudo adduser jsmith command to add a new user named jsmith. After that, you can type other information to identify your user and then set a password to secure their account. jason@Yog-Sothoth:~$ sudo adduser jsmith Adding user `jsmith’ … Adding … Read more