Fedora 17 file-system reimagined. /usr move to benefit Linux as a whole.

Linux is going through a change right now, with the Google Android code included in the Linux Kernel, this will benefit the users of all Linux distributions. The Fedora 17 distribution is rearranging the Linux file-system with the /bin folder that contains the GNU Coreutils such as /bin/bash amongst others merged into the /usr/bin folder … Read more

The Linux file-system tree explained.

The Linux file-system tree explained. The standard Linux installation is laid out in various folders that each have a different role to play in the smooth running of a Linux distribution. |-/ |-/bin |-/boot |-/dev |-/etc |-/home/username |-/lib |-/lost+found |-/mnt |-/proc |-/root |-/sbin |-/tmp |-/usr |-/usr/local |-/var|-/ |-/bin |-/boot |-/dev |-/etc |-/home/username |-/lib |-/lost+found |-/mnt … Read more