Save player`s loadout after closing arsenal in Arma 3.

To save the player`s loadout after they close the arsenal in Arma 3, put this code in the initPlayerLocal.sqf file. This code will save the player loadout after the arsenal is closed. [missionnamespace,"arsenalClosed", { [player, [missionNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory; titletext ["Arsenal loadout saved.", "PLAIN DOWN"]; }] call bis_fnc_addScriptedEventhandler;[missionnamespace,"arsenalClosed", { [player, [missionNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory; titletext … Read more

Ending a mission properly using scripting in Arma 3.

This very useful code will end a mission when three triggers have been activated and there are no enemies in the trigger area. adt = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", Loc]; adt setTriggerArea [1800, 1800, 0, false]; adt setTriggerActivation ["EAST", "NOT PRESENT", false]; adt setTriggerStatements ["this","",""];   waitUntil { sleep 1; ((triggeractivated adt) && (triggeractivated tower2) && (triggeractivated … Read more

Very useful Arma 3 scripting samples for making a nice mission easily.

To set the arsenal action on all crates in your base, use this code. This will give the Arsenal action to the Cargo Net Box item. Put this in the initPlayerLocal.sqf file. { [_x, "Open the Arsenal", "a3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\RespawnRoles\assault_ca.paa", "a3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\RespawnRoles\assault_ca.paa", "(_this distance _target < 6) && (isNull (findDisplay 162))", "isNull (findDisplay 162)", {}, BIS_holdActionProgress, {["Open",true] call … Read more

Arma 3 scripting tricks and samples for making missions.

Detect if a player has the APEX DLC. if (395180 in getDLCs 1) then { (_this select 0) ctrlsettext ‘\a3\Ui_f\Data\Logos\arma3apex_white_ca.paa’; };if (395180 in getDLCs 1) then { (_this select 0) ctrlsettext ‘\a3\Ui_f\Data\Logos\arma3apex_white_ca.paa’; }; Remove all NVG goggles and weapons from enemies. { if (side _x == east) then { _x unassignItem "NVGoggles"; _x removeItem "NVGoggles"; … Read more

Very interesting and useful Arma 3 scripting commands for multiplayer missions.

Arma 3 scripting samples for creating MP missions This code sample inserted into the initServer.sqf will protect buildings 900m around your base from destruction by retards with a grudge against your server. { _x allowdamage false; } foreach (nearestTerrainObjects [crat99,["house"],900]);{ _x allowdamage false; } foreach (nearestTerrainObjects [crat99,["house"],900]); Name an object crat99 and then place this … Read more

Some more Arma 3 script samples.

Very useful Arma 3 scripting samples This scripting sample will remove the solar panels and doors from the Orange DLC tents and make them look like a good old fashioned MASH tent. med1 animateSource ["MedSign_Hide",1,true]; med1 animateSource ["Door_Hide",1,true]; med1 setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"\A3\Structures_F_Orange\Humanitarian\Camps\Data\MedicalTent_01_tropic_F_CO.paa"];med1 animateSource ["MedSign_Hide",1,true]; med1 animateSource ["Door_Hide",1,true]; med1 setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"\A3\Structures_F_Orange\Humanitarian\Camps\Data\MedicalTent_01_tropic_F_CO.paa"]; Add this code to your initServer.sqf … Read more

Good Christmas gift ideas and the world will not end in 2012.

The best thing to purchase if you are interested in Christmas gifts for a computer user in your household; other than a Laptop which is very useful these days would have to be an external hard disk that they could use to backup their precious data. Backing up data that you have saved on your … Read more

India are planning to send a probe to Mars. Nasa does not have a monopoly on Mars missions.

India are planning to send a probe to Mars, this will only be an orbiting probe to take photos of the surface of Mars and send them back to Earth. This is very interesting, with the tech boom in India, they are really moving ahead, the formerly third world country is now accelerating into the … Read more

Thoughts on the CLI and NASA space travel back on the cards in 2012? Mars mission a possibility.

There was a story on Slashdot regarding the Command Line Interface in modern operating systems. The Graphical User Interfaces in modern operating systems can perform some useful tasks, but I believe that the CLI still has it`s place. I always use the command-line when I am updating my Ubuntu and Linux Mint installations. You can … Read more

Private space mission to the International Space Station.

There is a mission planned to the International Space Station. This mission is planning to carry goods to the space station as the first private enterprise space mission to perform this duty. With the retirement of the space shuttle, private enterprise is one way that the future of space travel will be maintained. The idealistic … Read more