How to save your place in a movie when exiting MPV.

Saving your place in a movie when exiting MPV is very easy, this would be very useful when watching a long film and you need to exit the player and watch some more later. Add this to the ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf file. save-position-on-quitsave-position-on-quit This will allow the player to resume playback when you restart playing a movie … Read more

Nice script for Arma 3 that will provide icons and player name over heads.

This is a very nice script for Arma 3 that will give each player a icon over their heads and their name and role. This is very useful for IFF and works very well. addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { { if ((side _x) == west) then { drawIcon3D [([_x, "texture"] call BIS_fnc_rankParams), [0,1,1,1], visiblePosition _x vectorAdd [0,0,3], … Read more

How to get a nice waveform display with the MPV media player on Linux.

Play a music file in your terminal with a nice visualization, using this one-liner. This is very nice way to get a simple animation whilst playing a music file. MPV does support a massive amount of playing options, and using a visualization while playing music is another hidden feature. mpv –config=no –quiet –vo=tct –lavfi-complex='[aid1]asplit[ao][a1];[a1]avectorscope=r=25:m=lissajous_xy:bc=200:gc=100:rc=75:bf=5:gf=3:rf=1:zoom=2[vo]’ … Read more

New Sayonara music player available for Linux Mint and Ubuntu. This player is very good indeed. This player is now available on Google Code. This music player installed without any hassles on Linux Mint 15 and worked perfectly. I now prefer it over the Audacious player and Banshee. Banshee and Rhythmbox are bloated and slow to load, but this player is very fast to load and you are ready to … Read more

BASH Shell is better than Powershell and discussion of the Linux desktop versus Windows.

The Powershell for Windows has many useful features for controlling your Windows computer; with many cmdlets and scripting ability; but the BASH shell for Linux is already an established shell that is far more powerful and useful. The downside to the Powershell is that it does not seem to have an implementation of grep. Without … Read more