The NASA Voyager probe is the furthest man made object from the Earth at the moment.

The NASA Voyager probe that is now traveling out of the Solar System has its own Twitter page! See it here: NASA Voyager. This probe has withstood amazing levels of radiation and is still transmitting precious information back to NASA. On the sixth of September the 35th anniversary of the launching of the Voyager probe … Read more

Chinas moon probe has successfully soft-landed on the moon. This the prelude to a manned mission.

China have successfully soft-landed an unmanned probe on the lunar surface. This is an amazing achievement. Hopefully they can send back photographs of the NASA moon lander and finally shut up the moon landing conspiracy theorists. The pictures sent back to Earth from the moon are in color, the surface of the moon looks rather … Read more

Voyager probe leaving the solar system behind and strange finds at the edge of the solar system.

The Voyager probe is still travelling out to the edge of the solar system and it has found to the surprise of many that even though the solar winds have dropped away, the magnetic field has not dropped. This seems to indicate that the solar systems edge is fuzzier than first thought. This could mean … Read more

Voyager probe leaving us and thoughts on the end of the world and Perl.

The Voyager probe is finally approaching the edge of the heliosphere; the massive sphere that encloses the entire solar system; very soon the lonely probe will finally be entering deep space and it will be truly alone. This probe is travelling at just about 38,000 miles per hour and it is destined to encounter another … Read more

India are planning to send a probe to Mars. Nasa does not have a monopoly on Mars missions.

India are planning to send a probe to Mars, this will only be an orbiting probe to take photos of the surface of Mars and send them back to Earth. This is very interesting, with the tech boom in India, they are really moving ahead, the formerly third world country is now accelerating into the … Read more

Voyager probe leaving Solar System.

The Voyager probe that left Earth 34 years ago is now leaving the Solar System altogether and moving into a huge cloud of matter that is surrounding our Solar System. The craft’s batteries have enough power to keep the venerable craft operating until anno 2020. The fact that the computers are still working and processing … Read more