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Microsoft wants to remove the option to have local accounts in Windows 10.

Windows NT Neanderthal Technology.
Windows NT Neanderthal Technology.

Microsoft is apparently planning to remove the option to have local accounts in Windows 10. This means that a user can only have a Microsoft account and Hotmail address linked to your Windows login. This on top of the many problems with Windows 10 and it is pretty clear that Windows is going to be a dumpster fire. Since the Windows 10 1909 update, it is no longer possible to create a local account on Windows 10 during installation, the user must create a Microsoft account during installation, then go into the Windows 10 ‘Family & other users’ settings and create a local account. Apparently, it is possible to disconnect the Ethernet connection during installation and choose to create a local account, but this option might be removed soon. What do you do if you need a domain account when setting up Active Directory and you need to connect a Windows 10 machine to a domain? How doe this work if you are forced to use a Microsoft account? Domain accounts are very useful though, like the computers used in Snow Crash, you login to any computer in the business and your personalized desktop loads over the network. Why can we not have local accounts that we can personalize? Why force people to use a Microsoft account?

So, apparently, you go to the About screen in Windows 10 to set up a domain… That is very strange, tucking it away like that. I wonder if it will change when the next update comes out? They are running Windows into the ground very quickly. Microsoft peaked when Windows NT and 2000 came out, and are going downhill now. Firing their Quality Assurance team was a bad move, now the updates are causing countless issues and loss of data. I wish Microsoft had more competition, then they would have more incentive to improve their product. But there is only Macintosh OS, Linux, and Windows. All office computers are Windows, so they dominate the professional market. Are they trying to convince users that the Internet will not be available unless they use a Microsoft account? Because the TCP/IP connections are still available if you are using a local account. For now, I guess, they will eventually remove the option to add a local account for good and force everyone onto the cloud. Then they can get your data. So for now, do not connect your Windows 10 1909 installation to the Internet, it will then allow you to create a local account easily.

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