Quake 2 - The Reckoning Secrets The Swamps Secret 1/3 Goodies: Silencer In one of the areas of water there is a tunnel. Go through it and re surface. Then jump across the gap to get the silencer. The Swamps Secret 2/3 Goodies: Adrenaline Right near the exit turn right and go up the side of the cliff and over the bridge. There is a small water hole with the secret in it. The Swamps Secret 3/3 Goodies: Armour In the place where you turn the lasers off a panel opens up with some flyers in them. When they're dead jump onto the barrel, onto the computer and into the hole. The Sewers Secret 1/3 Goodies: Bandolier Simply shoot the wall in the corridor near the start. The Sewers Secret 2/3 Goodies: Adrenaline, Super Shotgun, Armour, Shells There is an underwater grate you need to shoot several times to blow it up. Swim through the hole to a network of pipes. One of the rooms you surface in has the secret. At the end of the pipes is a ladder which leads to the shotgun. The Sewers Secret 3/3 Goodies: Armour Right near the end you have to lower a platform. Under this platform you need to swim to the bottom right, and then up into a small room. Waste Sieve Secret 1/4 Goodies: Adrenaline Right near the start is an underwater section. There is a big rotating thing you need to swim under, as you do look up and shoot the button. This opens a door directly across from you. Waste Sieve Secret 2/4 Goodies: Super Shotgun After exiting the water (secret 1) go up the ladder and turn around. Shoot the wall directly opposite to open a secret. Waste Sieve Secret 3/4 Goodies: Armour There is an area where you need to hit a switch to open a door. Jump up onto the pipes, walk around, jump down the side and crouch. Waste Sieve Secret 3/4 Goodies: Double Fire In the command area jump onto the window ledge, crouch and walk through onto the pipes. Keep going to find the secret. Outer Compound Secret 1/4 Goodies: Adrenaline Find the group of barrels and shoot them. Press the button behind them and a small room will open up across the other side of the room. Outer Compound Secret 2/4 Goodies: Grenade Launcher There is a beam which is slanted just enough so you can't climb up it. Look at the ceiling directly above the beam and shoot it. This causes crates to fall down so you can then jump up to the top of the beam. Outer Compound Secret 3/4 Goodies: Power Shield, shells, cells There is a button which is hard to miss which lowers a ramp. Shoot it, run and get the shells and shoot it again. before the ramp raises again run down and stay there. Wait for it to rise and jump under it. Outer Compound Secret 4/4 Goodies: Double Fire There is another button you have to shoot and then fall down the hole near by. Then you have to go down into another ramp which has lowered. This has to be done fast. Then you can climb the ladder to the secret. Inner Compound Secret 1/5 Goodies: Health, Armour, shells Once you raise the big laser crouch next to it and fall down the hole that the laser came from. At the back of the pit the door will open, go through to find the first secret. Inner Compound Secret 2/5 Goodies: Quad Damage On top of the structure near the start is a switch. Don't start the laser yet, instead jump on the crates to get on the structure. Stand on the switch and turn left. Inner Compound Secret 3/5 Goodies: Mega health Find the cliff face on the right. Jump around on it to get to the top. Jump from here to the top of the doorway and then to the secret. Inner Compound Secret 4/5 Goodies: Silencer Jump in the moat and swim around a bit. Go all the way to the end of the cavern and emerge. No go farther along and you'll see a small opening. Swim down and crouch through this. Inner Compound Secret 5/5 Goodies: Adrenaline Find the light shooting sparks. Stand under it and jump, this lowers a staircase just next to you. Run past the stairs turn around and go under them to get to the secret. Core Reactor Secret 1/3 Goodies: Mega Health Obvious, just look under the staircase. Core Reactor Secret 2/3 and 3/3 Goodies: Various good stuff. When you have the two power cubes the force fields at the bottom of the level will deactivate. Go down there and enter the new area. Go up the two elevators and you have a choice of two directions. Either way leads to a secret. Pick one, and then come back for the other. Warehouse Secret 1/2 Goodies: Armour Just after you deactivate the force fields there is a lift shaft. Look up and shoot the button on the ceiling. No ride the lift up and jump in the hole created by shooting the button. Warehouse Secret 2/2 Goodies: Adrenaline, shells, rockets Near the end there is a pipe you have to crawl through with a fan. Don't shoot the fan's power out yet. Instead let it blow you along into a small hole which then leads to the secret. Intelligence Center Secret 1/1 Goodies: Adrenaline, stimpacks After you activate the main computer in this level go back up to the ladder and turn around. A wall has opened to reveal a biosuit, grab that and go back down the ladder. Go under the floor by jumping in the acid pools in the corners. When under there you can also shoot the computer screens on either side of this room for some stimpacks. Industrial Facility Secret 1/5 Goodies: Phalanx Cannon In the first large room there is a secret. You have to jump to the small ledge, then walk over to the pillars, then you have to jump all the way round to get to the secret. Industrial Facility Secret 2/5 Goodies: Silencer, bandolier, health. There is an explosive crate near the ceiling In one of the rooms. Shoot the crate to reveal a button, shoot that to open part of the floor. Industrial Facility Secret 3/5 Goodies: Quad Damage Shoot the button again (secret 2) and the part that lowered will now raise, revealing a second secret. Industrial Facility Secret 4/5 Goodies: Mega health In one of the rooms with pipes there is a simple wall to shoot, you won't miss it. Industrial Facility Secret 5/5 Goodies: Armour After coming back to the level you'll see a room with some crates and armour you can't reach. There is a small light fitting which will help immensely in your quest. Outer Base Secret 1/3 Goodies: Mega health Right at the start you need to shoot an explosive crate to open the bars. Drop down the air duct and then look back up, shoot the button and a wall will open for a short period. Outer Base Secret 2/3 Goodies: Armour, Adrenaline, health Also another find the wall and shoot it. Also quite hard to miss this one as well. Outer Base Secret 3/3 Goodies: Quad Damage After you go up the elevator press the button that makes it go down, wait for it to lower, than jump on the roof. Refinery Secret 1/3 Goodies: Double Fire Shoot the explosive crates near the entrance, then jump across and press the button. This will enable you to get a biosuit. Then jump into the slime and swim around to find the secret. Refinery Secret 2/3 Goodies: Armour Find the area where the air strike marker is supposed to be. Fall into the water here and swim up. After a room of Strogg you'll find the secret, and a trap. Refinery Secret 3/3 Goodies: Adrenaline After setting the air strike marker and watching things go boom you'll see a section of piping which meets the wall. The pipe has some cracks in it, shoot 'em to open a hole which contains the secret. Water Treatment Plant Secret 1/7 Goodies: Ion Ripper, Cells Right at the beginning go to the left and continue all the way round to a large structure. There are some really small ledges all the way around this which enable you to get to the top and thus the secret. Water Treatment Plant Secret 2/7 Goodies: Quad Damage Jump from the stairs onto the crate below. Jump around on the crates and work your way up to the Quad. Water Treatment Plant Secret 3/7 Goodies: Armour You'll find some crates with a red panel behind them. Shoot the panel. Behind the panel is a fuse, shoot that and a ladder will lower behind you. Jump up to it and continue along to get the armour. Water Treatment Plant Secret 4/7 Goodies: Adrenaline Jump in the water and swim around to the far side of the game, there is a secret here. Water Treatment Plant Secret 5/7 Goodies: Ammo Pack After hitting the switch that opens the gates jump into the water. There are two pipes here, shoot the bottom of the one on the left. Swim up it and through to the secret. Water Treatment Plant Secret 6/7 Goodies: Power Armour, Adrenaline, Mega health, Invulnerability. After secret 5 swim up the other pipe. From there you can climb a ladder to get the rest of the secret. Water Treatment Plant Secret 7/7 Goodies: Armour Right near the exit there is a grate. Shoot it for the final secret. Badlands Secret 1/4 Goodies: Adrenaline Climb the ladder which takes you to a watery area. After killing all the gekks jump the water and look at the base of the tube, there is a shootable panel here, shoot it and the button behind and a grate will open at the bottom of the ladder you just came up. Badlands Secret 2/4 and 3/4 Goodies: Quad Damage, Armour When you get the Air Strike Marker you'll come to an area over looking the start. On either side there are two ledges you can jump on, both are secrets. Badlands Secret 4/4 Goodies: Adrenaline At the exit look to the left. You can climb up the cliff to get a secret. Lower Hangar Secret 1/5 Goodies: Mega health There is an area with loads of crates, in the corner is a small hole you can crawl into, simple. Lower Hangar Secret 2/5 Goodies: Armour Just before the first lift is a wall which is not like any others in the area. Shoot it to reveal a ladder, climb up it to get to the secret area. Lower Hangar Secret 3/5 Goodies: Adrenaline There is a staircase just after you go down one of the lifts. There is a section with funny looking strips on it, shoot that to open the secret area. Lower Hangar Secret 4/5 Goodies: Power Armour Just after secret 3 is an explosive crate, shoot it to reveal a switch behind it. Shoot the switch to open the wall. Lower Hangar Secret 5/5 Goodies: Armour Right near the exit there are lots of crates, go between the piles and shoot the explosive crate. Crawl in the pace behind it. The Hangars Secret 1/3 Goodies: Armour There is a room with some crates, on in particular sticks out at the end. Jump onto it and then jump over to the secret. The Hangars Secret 2/3 Goodies: Mega health There is a force Field blocking your expected exit to the level. Under the ramp near this is space to crawl under and get the secret. The Hangars Secret 3/3 Goodies: Armour When you get to the real exit to the level there is a switch to open a hatch. Go in, and up the ladder and into a hallway. Shoot the section of wall with stripes on it. Strogg Freighter Secret 1/3 Goodies: Quad Damage From the start turn around until you see some crates near the walkway, jump on them and duck under the walkway to find the secret. Strogg Freighter Secret 2/3 Goodies: Armour After going up the first lift go up the ladder and around the central pillar. You will see a conspicuous wall which you should shoot to gain access to the second secret. Strogg Freighter Secret 3/3 Goodies: Cells, BFG When you get the blue key a wall opens with a switch. Stand at the switch and look straight up. Shoot the button to open a wall on your left. Cargo Bay Secret 1/5 Goodies: Armour Near the entrance is a hall with a lot of crates, jump up onthem and drop behind them to find the secret. Cargo Bay Secret 2/5 Goodies: Adrenaline After secret 1 is a winding staircase. If you look up you'll see some beams. Go to the top of the stairs and jump on the crates and on to the beams. Walk along the beams and shoot the wall at the end. Cargo Bay Secret 3/5 Goodies: Quad Damage Once more there is another area with lots of crates, jump up on some more and drop behind for a Quad. Cargo Bay Secret 4/5 Goodies: Mega health There is an area where you need to jump on crates and then over a ledge to the rest of the level. Shoot the wall here to open a secret. Cargo Bay Secret 5/5 Goodies: Armour Right at the end of the level is a huge column with beams sticking out of it. Right at the top are two buttons, Shoot both of them to open a door which leads to an elevator. Take that up and jump around a bit to find the secret. Command Center Secret 1/2 Goodies: Ammo Pack Right at the start there are two pillars. Between them is a button, shoot it and turn around to see the secret. Command Center Secret 2/2 Goodies: Armour In the caves is some ice, shoot it to gain access to the water and some Armour.