Some useful Linux configuration files. How the system is setup.

Some system configuration files on Linux and what they do /etc/profile This configuration file controls the system-wide environment variables. This contains the PATH variable that controls where binaries may be run from system-wide. /etc/motd This file contains a message that will be visible above the login prompt on the virtual console. Usually this is auto-generated … Read more

How the Linux command line can create a graphical tree of package dependencies.

Image unknown. Some decoded SSTV image.
Image unknown. Some decoded SSTV image.

The Linux command line may be used to create a graphical display of package dependencies. This is good for visualizing what other components of Ubuntu are required for a certain package to operate. And the images look very cool when put on a website as well. A great Linux feature. Creating a graphical display of dependencies would be good to put on a website if a programmer has created a program and needs to display all of the dependencies required to run it. Or just to show off the abilities of the Linux command line in scripting.

Firstly, install the graphviz package.

ubuntu ~ $ sudo apt-get install graphviz

Then run this command to get information about bash.

ubuntu ~ $ apt-cache -o APT::Cache::GivenOnly=1 dotty bash | dot -T png > out.png

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