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Fedora Core 14 is awesome.

I am typing this in Fedora Core 14, using the KDE 4.5.2 desktop, it is lightning fast and very stable indeed, way faster than Windows by far. I am overwhelmed with how much faster the Fedora Core desktop has gotten since Fedora Core 5. Now with improved virtualization tools for running other operating systems on your desktop without rebooting. It includes Kernel 2.6.35 and the latest versions of python and implementation of the Perl 6 programming language. Fedora 15 will be named Lovelock and will include Gnome 3.0 and the Gnome Shell interface. I prefer Gnome-Do though, you just type and it finds the application you are looking for. Very fast and useful.

And here is a little code snippet I wrote in ANSI C.

#include <stdio.h>
int value (void)
	int k;
	for (k = 0; k < 64; k++) {
	return 0;
int main (void) {
	printf("\n\nFinis. \n");
	return 0;

Hope you like it. Another thing I like about Fedora Core 14 is that if you type a command like mc and it is not installed it will start the yum package installer to install the package you requested and found it was not installed, that is very cool indeed. I am pleased to see that the tree and unix2dos utilities are already installed and usable which is more than can be said for Ubuntu, which is turning into a dumbed-down new user distribution and I am not happy with it at all, some users are reporting that the Gnome desktop is crash-prone and the Metacity Window Manager can crash at times. That is not the best advertisement for Ubuntu at all and the team working on the desktop need to get it to a more stable level.

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