Linux still a better option than Windows. The link above is to the Redhat 6.2 Linux distribution, the first version of Linux I used. It ran very well on a Celeron 600 with 64MB of RAM and integrated graphics. Linux has come so far since it was first released, the desktop has gotten even easier to use and with the release … Read more

Set up the package manager in FreeBSD 10.3 after installation.

The package manager in FreeBSD 10.3 is very effective and easy to use for setting up your FreeBSD 10.3 system. Here is how to install it. type this command as root. pkgpkg This will install the pkg package management system. Then, once that has completed, type this command to update the package repositories information. pkg … Read more

Play a DVD with Smplayer on Ubuntu 16.04.

To play a DVD on Ubuntu 16.04, you will need to install the Libdvdcss library to enable encrypted DVD playback. This is very simple. Firstly, download the required library: Then move to the Downloads directory and extract the tarball. jason@jason-desktop:~$ tar -xvf libdvdcss-1.2.12.tar.bz2jason@jason-desktop:~$ tar -xvf libdvdcss-1.2.12.tar.bz2 Then move to the directory to compile the … Read more

The best Linux Mint themes and wallpapers.

Some very nice themes for the Linux desktopIcon themesMetacity themesNice wallpapers for your Linux desktop Some very nice themes for the Linux desktop Oxygen transparent KDE 4.0 theme. Uniq KDE 4.0 theme. Elegant Gnome pack. GTK 2.0 pack. Vertex theme pack. GTK 3.0 pack. CinnXP Luna theme. Make your Gnome/MATE desktop … Read more

Generate an assortment of random passwords with a simple command.

Generate secure passwords for your user accounts The pwgen command will generate a set of random passwords that may be used to secure your user account. Type this command to install this utility. root@DESKTOP-R72SPS3:~# apt-get install pwgenroot@DESKTOP-R72SPS3:~# apt-get install pwgen Now we can generate a few passwords. jason@DESKTOP-R72SPS3:/mnt/c/Users/johnc$ pwgen -s -v 79lZrgzb ctklTCV3 zX3nDCQr FXk5g7V8 … Read more

Beautiful wallpapers for your Linux desktop.

A gorgeous terraced rice paddy in China I think: Beautiful farm gate photograph: Curving road in morning mist: Dual monitor corn field photograph: Man using a tin for target practice on his farm: Oil refinery gas flare: Arches national park Utah: More wallpaper posts. More awesome wallpapers for … Read more

Location of the filesystem that the Windows 10 bash shell uses.

Location of the Windows 10 bash shell files This is the location of the actual files that are installed when you install the Windows 10 bash shell. This means that it is not really a ext4 filesystem, but emulating this when you load it up in a CMD window. %localappdata%\lxss\rootfs%localappdata%\lxss\rootfs The location of the actual … Read more

Copy a file from one UNIX/Linux machine to another using the sftp utility.

Copying a file with sftp from one UNIX machine to another is very easy. The command below uses the SSH protocol and initiates a connection to the remote PC. ubuntu ~ $ sftp -P 443 [email protected] ~ $ sftp -P 443 [email protected] Press ENTER and type your password. The user will be presented with a … Read more

How to get just the IP address of your Linux machine using curl.

To get just the IP address of your Internet facing Linux machine, use this command. jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents/ipinfo/src$ curl icanhazip.comjason@jason-desktop:~/Documents/ipinfo/src$ curl This will return just your IP address. This is another way to get this information. jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents$ curl$ curl To get information about a DNS server, use the dig command. jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents/ipinfo/src$ dig   … Read more