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How to reduce Arma 3 stamina effect and weapon sway in a vanilla mission.

This code placed in the description.ext file will increase the amount of stamina a player has, this is very useful in a vanilla Arma 3 mission.

class CfgMovesFatigue { 
	staminaDuration = 180; //total amount of stamina
	staminaCooldown = 30; //when you run out of stamina the sprinting is disabled for this duration 
	staminaRestoration = 60; //time required for your current stamina pool (total stamina - inventory load) to restore 
	aimPrecisionSpeedCoef = 0; //aimPrecision adjusting rate coefficient 
	terrainDrainSprint = 0; //when terrain gradient disable sprint, this stamina value is added to every animation state 
	terrainDrainRun = 0; //when terrain gradient enable force walk, this stamina value is added to every animation state 
	terrainSpeedCoef = 0.6; //when terrain gradient disable sprint, animation speed is multiplied by this value 
class CfgWeaponHandling
	class SwayDistortion
		rate = 6;
		decay = 3;
		maximum = 5;
		gunnerCoef = 1.2;
	class SightAlignment
		rate = 0.1;
		decay = 1.8;
		maximum = 0.7;
		gunnerCoef = 0.2;
	class Stabilization
		characterPoints[] = {"lElbow","rElbow"};
		weaponPoints[] = {"Usti hlavne","Konec hlavne"};
		upperBodyRadius = 0.12;
		weaponRadius = 0.4;
		restingCoef = 0.4;
		restingProneCoef = 0.08;
		restingRecoil = 0.5;
		restingRecoilPersistent = 0.5;
		deployedCoef = 0.1;
		deployedProneCoef = 0.02;
		deployedRecoil = 0.5;
		deployedRecoilPersistent = 0;
		deployTime = 0.2;
		undeployTime = 0.2;
		deployBipodTime = 0.4;
		undeployBipodTime = 0.3;
	class Recoil
		kickVisual = 0.4;
		impulseCoef = 1;
		prone = 1.15; // 1.25
	class Camera
		aimTransitionSpeed = 5;

That is how to mod stamina without a mod. This really does work, and is a great way to improve a mission, the creator can have stamina enabled, but have sensible amounts of performance from a soldier.

This code shows how to define a task to destroy an object.

[west,["task1"],["Destroy enemy EMP weapon.","EMP device.","aoMarker"], objNull,1,3,true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
["task1",_RoughPos2] call BIS_fnc_taskSetDestination;
//------------------------------------------ Create AO trigger.
tower2 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPos dev1];
tower2 setTriggerArea [20, 20, 0, false];
tower2 settriggerText "";
tower2 setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "PRESENT", false];
tower2 setTriggerStatements ["!alive dev1","['task1','SUCCEEDED'] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState",""];

These two code snippets should really help you out when creating a mission. This will make the stamina more realistic. And a lot more fun. Many servers are running old missions with outdated code in them. Creating a new one with proper code is a very good idea, and it is not too difficult. There are so many new features in Arma 3 now, and scripting is fun.

This scripting example will create a marker that shows information about your server.

_num1 = worldName;
_num2 = serverName;
_markerinfo = createMarker ["Info.", position player ];
_markerinfo setMarkerPos [15545.5,14990.3];
_markerinfo setMarkerShape "ICON";
_markerinfo setMarkerColor "colorBLUFOR";
_markerinfo setMarkerDir 90;
_markerinfo setMarkerType "hd_warning";
_markerinfo setMarkerText format ["Invade and Annex %1. %2", _num1, _num2];

Have a randomly chosen image as the MP mission loading screen for players.

loadScreen = __EVAL(["\a3\missions_f\data\img\mp_coop_m01_overview_ca.paa","\a3\missions_f\data\img\mp_coop_m02_overview_ca.paa","\a3\missions_f\data\img\mp_coop_m02_overview_ca.paa","\A3\Missions_F\data\img\Showcase_Helicopters_overview_CA.paa","\a3\missions_f\data\img\showcase_infantry_overview_ca.paa","\A3\Missions_F\data\img\Showcase_SCUBA_overview_CA.paa","\A3\Missions_F\data\img\Showcase_Vehicles_overview_CA.paa","\a3\Missions_F_Beta\data\img\SP_FD04_overview_CA.paa","\a3\Missions_F_EPA\data\img\C_EB_overview_CA.paa","\a3\Missions_F_EPA\data\img\C_EA_overview_CA.paa","\a3\Missions_F_EPA\data\img\C_out2_overview_CA.paa","\a3\Missions_F_EPA\data\img\B_hub03_overview_CA.paa"] select floor random 12);

This adds another dimension to your mission.

Spawn an officer in a Cargo HQ building easily. This is fun to do and would be good for a small mission.

_randPos399 = [_pos , 0, 600, 12, 0, 0.3, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
_officer = [_randPos399, EAST, ["rhs_vdv_officer"],[],[],[],[],[],232] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
((units _officer) select 0) setVehicleVarName "man1"; man1 = ((units _officer) select 0);
((units _officer) select 0) setpos (_cargo buildingpos random 4);
((units _officer) select 0) disableAI 'PATH';
_officer enableDynamicSimulation true; // enableDynamicSimulation true;

This code spawns an officer in a random position in a Cargo HQ building. This is very useful for placing an object like a small ammo box as well. I am spawning a group, and _this select 0 is used to select him. Or (units _officer) select 0) in this case.

Finally, this code will spawn a trigger, that will fire when a soldier or object named man1 is destroyed.

//------------------------------------------ Create AO trigger.
_dt2 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPos _cargo];
_dt2 setTriggerArea [0, 0, 0, false];
_dt2 settriggerText "";
_dt2 setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "PRESENT", false];
_dt2 setTriggerStatements ["!alive man1","[thistrigger] execVM 'scripts\misc\ending.sqf'",""];

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