How to compile the leaked CS:GO source code leak. This apparently works.

1. Install Visual Studio Community 2015 on Windows 10 64 bit 2. Create the solution with CreateSolution.bat 3. Replace any #include “../../src/public/vgui_controls/Controls.h” with #include “../../public/vgui_controls/Controls.h” 4a. Copy cryptlib.lib from hl2_src\lib\common\win32\2015\release\cryptlib.lib to cstrike15_src\lib\win32\2015\release\ (create the folders as neccessary) 4b. copy hl2_src\lib\public\libcef.lib into cstrike15_src\lib\win32\release\libcef.lib Apply the fixes: `git am < basic_fixes.patch` basic_fixes.patch1 2 3 4 5 6 ... Read more