Using the Internet is annoying sometimes, everyone can relate to this.

Using the Internet can be annoying when you are searching for an obscure fix to a problem and there is a solution that is on a forum that you cannot view unless you register with it. The solution sometimes is to Google the URL and then open the cached page. Otherwise you must register and … Read more

Ubuntu forums cracked by a malicious individual. Users demand answers. The Ubuntu forums have been cracked by a malicious user. This person has taken the database and now has all of the password and e-mail information in his/her grasp. This is a more regular occurrence these days. The problem seems to have been a VBulletin mod that was compromised and had administrator privileges and … Read more

Desktop Linux still a very good and secure operating system.

As I type this, the website is still down and the Linux kernel is still hosted on Github instead. What is going on here? This attack on software freedom, possibly perpetrated by Microsoft shills that want everyone to be stuck on closed source software instead of the free and open source alternatives that are more secure and … Read more

Debian bootloader fixed.

I had to reinstall my Debian bootloader after an accident with my Debian hard disk and I ended up installing Lubuntu 10.10 temporarily and then after booting into Debian from the Lubuntu boot menu I ran this command: sudo grub-install /dev/sdasudo grub-install /dev/sda And the Debian bootloader was re-installed. I have re-booted to test the … Read more