From the ABC, ENIAC and now the TITAN supercomputer, we have power we could only dream of before.

The first electronic computer; the ENIAC, was born of the need to calculate ballistics tables for a sideways firing from air-planes. This necessitated the construction of the massive computer to hold vacuum tubes pulsating at 100,000 beats per second. The computational speed was estimated to be at 1,000 multiplications per second, this would be able … Read more

Some interesting facts about computing history. The early days.

The computers of old did not use modern microchip Random Access Memory as we do today; one method of storing data temporarily was with the use of magnetic core memory. This involves tiny rings of magnetized iron threaded onto a wire mat, this was expensive to make; but it had a good access time and … Read more

A look at the very early days of computing, IBM calculators in the 1950s.

A good look back at the very early days of computing. This IBM Calculator had a massive amount of vacuum tubes that enabled it to perform its calculations easily. And it does not take up that much room either, as a bonus it would fulfill the dual role of a space heater whilst remaining quiet. … Read more