A very nice one-liner to return the Bitcoin price in USD.

This is a nice one-liner, it will return the current Bitcoin price in USD. ┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[/mnt/c/Users/Intel i5] └─$ curl -s usd.rate.sx/btc?T | grep avg: | awk ‘{ print $2}’┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[/mnt/c/Users/Intel i5] └─$ curl -s usd.rate.sx/btc?T | grep avg: | awk ‘{ print $2}’ This is the script in action. ┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[/mnt/c/Users/Intel i5] └─$ curl -s usd.rate.sx/btc?T | grep … Read more