UNIX CDE desktop really is awesome. I wish Ubuntu had this as a respin.

The UNIX CDE desktop really is a good desktop environment, and very light on resources. I am using it on the Sparky Linux distribution, the developer has built it on a Debian based distro. There is a simple dialog with icons for changing font size and colors, as well as the desktop wallpaper. There are … Read more

New Linux distribution Sparky Linux. Based on Debian.

Easiest way to get the UNIX CDE desktop installed on a Linux Debian distribution

CDE UNIX desktop environment.
CDE UNIX desktop environment.

There is a new Linux distribution available. Sparky Linux. This is based on Debian and has quite a lot of software available. Debian is a very stable Linux system and basing a new distribution on it with the apt packaging system makes a whole lot of sense. Download this distribution from the following link: https://sparkylinux.org/download/. Choose the rolling option.

Install this and then boot up into the Lxde desktop.

Sparky Linux desktop updating package repos.
Sparky Linux desktop updating package repos.

Run sudo apt update to update the package repositories for the first time.

Then run this command to install the CDE UNIX desktop on Debian.

sudo apt install cde-desktop

Now logout and choose CDE from the drop down at the top of the screen and login to a new fresh CDE desktop.

Sparky Linux CDE desktop.
Sparky Linux CDE desktop. Nice UNIX goodness on Debian.

This is incredible, now the awesome CDE desktop from Solaris UNIX is now available on a Debian based Linux distribution. This makes the desktop accessible to everyone now.

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CDE desktop running on Ubuntu 14.04.

I have got the CDE desktop to compile on Ubuntu 14.04. I found this website: https://www.ics.com/blog/retrocomputing-motif-and-cde#.U-840NaKhqg, which in turn lead me here: http://sourceforge.net/p/cdesktopenv/wiki/LinuxBuild/, a WIKI which contains the build instructions for Ubuntu 14.04. I followed this guide and the build worked perfectly. This is very cool indeed. The performance of the CDE desktop is very … Read more

Cool GTK and Metacity theme to make MATE look like CDE.

GTK MATE theme: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/CDE-Solaris?content=19627. This is a lovely grey theme that themes the GTK interface to look like CDE. The Metacity theme that completes the CDE look: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=18870. This is perfect if you want a retro-looking Linux Mint 15 MATE desktop. Blue Sun GTK theme: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Blue+Sun+GTK+Theme?content=93650. This is a very dark and attractive GTK theme. … Read more

CDE UNIX desktop available on Debian 6.0 Squeeze.

UNIX CDE desktop available for the Debian Linux distribution. The old UNIX CDE desktop is a very interesting and useful desktop environment. The modern desktop environments such as Gnome 3, Unity and the KDE 4 desktops are focused more on eye candy instead of actual fast and usable window management that the older window managers … Read more