The Matrix could be more complex than we think and is the Universe a hologram?

I had a thought today when trying to comprehend the idea of the Matrix and the holographic Universe. I thought that if there is a Matrix that contains the Universe, then it could be a Matrix that contains itself and there is nothing outside it at all. Why create such a device? Just for amusement? … Read more

New quantum supercomputer unveiled and is the entire universe a simulation?

The supercomputing world is due to be turned on its head with the unveiling of the D-Wave quantum supercomputer that has massive computing power in one single chip. This will take the computing world in new directions. The ability to calculate many numbers simultaneously instead of one after the other will mean that you could … Read more

is the Universe a simulation run by a giant supercomputer? And what are the implications?

The Universe is a simulation; that is the theory that is taking the scientific world by storm. But how could you simulate the entire Universe with a computer? You would need a computer the size of the Universe to contain the data concerning the spin state of every electron in the Universe as well as … Read more

Stupidity is rampant in America right now, the teaching of Creationism must stop.

Capa in his spacesuit.

There is a great amount of stupidity and ignorance that is seemingly the norm right now. Forgetting the fact that the Universe is 13.7 billion years old and was formed by the explosion of a super-compressed block of matter, the super-heated plasma of elementary particles that were expelled outwards faster than the speed of light … Read more

Giant structures in space swallowing distant galactic clusters. Is this another Universe?

Astronomers have made an amazing discovery, a group of 10,000 distant galaxy clusters that are rushing towards the same point in the sky. The implications of this is that there are unimaginably large structures in the distant areas of the Universe that are beyond our sight. The visible Universe is only 14 billion light-years across … Read more

Amazing facts about the Universe we live in.

This is a white super-giant star, this star is 185,000x brighter than the Sun, making it one bright stellar object indeed. This is the amazing Universe we live in. There are some strange objects out there that are stranger than we can imagine. Life could not exist around this super bright star, there would be … Read more

Space colonization in the year 10 trillion.

Space colonization in the year 10 trillion I watched an interesting documentary about life in the future and they were talking about how humans would survive in the distant future trying to avoid entropy, or the heat death of the Universe. They ended up with space stations in very close orbit around a white dwarf … Read more